You have a big day lined up, surely, there must be countless things running in your mind. Before those overwhelming thoughts start taking over, take a deep breath, and think about how you must prepare for your prom. Chances are you’ll spend hours in front of the mirror, doing nails, hair, and makeup. Evidently, you won’t get much time to check that everything is running smoothly, just like the way you have planned. 

 Most likely you would get busy with your friends, taking photographs and waiting for your corsage. So why not do some preparation a night before and get done with some tasks of the to-do list? To make things easy for you, we have created a list of simple things to be accomplished the night before the prom arrives. 

 Check your dress

You don’t want the end minute hassle of handling unwanted wrinkles. Before going to bed, check that your prom dress is lying of hanging flat somewhere safe. We know you must have kept it neatly but there’s no harm in giving a final check. In case, there’s something that had gone wrong, you would have time to take care of it. Remember the formation of wrinkles is normal when you leave your dress unattended for long. Also, don’t forget to check for stains and dust, if they have appeared anywhere on the dress. 

 Prepare your bag

Most girls like to carry essentials in a small clutch or shoulder bag. If you’re one of them, pack a few essentials a night before so that you won’t forget them later. Add a small mirror, prom tickets, and of course touch-ups to fix your makeup, if and when required. Packing a few essentials in advance ensures that you keep everything you may need for Prom, and also gives you an idea that all things comfortably fit in your bag.

 Try your shoes

You might find it silly but trying your new stilettos a night before is a good idea to check that you’re comfortable. As you’ll be wearing them for six to seven hours straight at the dance, you don’t want anything to spoil your fun. If you need to insert some extra cushion, the bright side is you can do it a night before instead of doing it in a rush.

 Now follow the list to stay organized before your prom party. In case, you’re still on the hunt for short prom evening dresses, Her Shop is the destination to find cute and beautiful gowns.


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